Hi-Tech Computer Institute
Eligibility- High school
1. Knowing computer
2. Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System
3. Understanding Word Processing
4. Using Spread Sheet
5. Communicating Using the Internet
6. WWW and web browsers
7. communication and Collaboration
8. Making small presentation
Hi-Tech Computer Institute
Eligibility- High school
1. Introduction to Computer
2. Introduction to Windows
3. Basic DOS Commands
4. Elements of Word Processing
5. Spreadsheets
6. Computer Communication and Internet
7. WWW and Web Browsers
8. E-mail
9. Making Small Presentation
Hi-Tech Computer Institute
Eligibility- 12th
1. M1-R4-IT Tools and business system
2. M2-R4-Internet technology and Web Design
3. M3-R4-Programming & Problem Solving through ‘C’ Language
4. M4-R4-Elective:(One Module out of the following three modules to bechosen)
5. M4-1-R4-Application of Net Technology
6. M4-2-R4-Introduction to Multimedia
7. M4-3-R4-Introduction to ICT Resources and Project Work